Progress Updates

Secondary Examination Station Opening Week Promo

Footage Uploaded on 03/12/2024

Footage Uploaded on 02/21/2024

Footage Uploaded on 02/07/2024

Footage Uploaded on 01/30/2024

🔍 From concept to reality, witness the swift evolution of our industrial hub through strategic planning and execution. Explore the cutting-edge infrastructure that defines our commitment to excellence.

Check out the construction progress of the Las Americas Roma Logistics & Industrial Park! Feel free to check out our other videos!

El parque industrial y de logistica Las Americas es un proyecto ambicioso que busca poner a Roma en el mapa del comercio internacional. Conocelo y se parte de el!

The City of Roma Texas is working to place our community as the center of attention in International trade with the Las Americas Logistics and Industrial Park. Share our enthusiasm and join the project!