The City Secretary serves as the Chief Elections Officer for the all municipal elections in accordance with Texas Election Code. City Elections are held during the November General Elections in even numbered years or by special election on uniform election days.
The City of Roma is a progressive community with a diverse population. It is the desire that growth and development proceed in a positive, managed manner.
The City of Roma presently operates as a Home Rule City with a Council-Manager form of government.
The City of Roma will hold its General Election on November 5, 2024 for the following positions for a 4-year term: Mayor and Councilmember Place 1.
The State Legislature has made some significant changes in the election process in qualifying voters. Please be sure you have proper identification at the polls for your vote to count.
If you have any questions regarding the election process or form of government, please feel free to let us know.
Liliana S. Medina, City Secretary
The city secretary is responsible for responding to public information requests, applying the laws and regulations of the Texas Public Information Act, to ensure that all records in the possession of and pertaining to the operation of the governmental body, are available to the public. The Texas Public Information Act gives the public the right to request access to government information. The act is triggered when a person submits a written request to a governmental body. The request must ask for records or information already in existence. The act does not require the governmental body to create new information, to do legal research, or to answer questions. In preparing a request, a person may want to ask the governmental body what information is available. Note: Although the Texas Public Information Act makes most government information available to the public, some exceptions exist. If an exception might apply and the governmental body wishes to withhold the information, the governmental body generally must, within 10 business days of receiving the open records request, refer the matter to the Office of the Attorney General for a ruling on whether an exception applies. For more information on the Texas Public Information Act, please visit the Texas Attorney General website here.
Public Information Request